would you light my candle?

Nov 29, 2005 10:10

ok. freakin colts. that game was just bad. and i only watched the first half. lol... my sister and brother and two cousins were there all decked out in stiller gear. it didn't help. :-/ but at any rate... thanksgiving was good.

wednesday was good. it snowed! :) it lasted for like an hour though. i sat around in pjs and cooked dinner on thursday, then it was off to pa on friday. i couldn't leave till late morning cause of HOV lanes. got home late afternoon, and went shopping with steph and dave. bought lots of things... i didn't really need to spend money, but it was ok i guess.. bought some sweaters and shoes that i needed badly for work, some xmas presents, and a cute little steelers snowman :) after that, it was off to erins. i can't believe how long its been since i've seen some of those people. but i'm glad i got to. i forgot how much fun it was and how good i feel when i'm around them. soooooooo erins driveway is crazy, and its even crazier in the snow. we tried to move cars so val could get out and my car ended up at a weird angle...i tried to fix it and was about an inch away from scotts car and erins dads and i had no idea how to get out of where i was. lol. yay for traffic directors. they got me out. :) it started snowing again and that made it all good. i had to clean my car off with daves glove cause i didn't have a snow brush since it doesnt' freakin snow till like january here. i wish i had a whole summer to spend with everyone from home... i'm such a sap but it makes me feel whole again to be with them all. the hugs, the crazy laughter... its just what i needed.

went home and slept like a rock in the bed that i used to lie awake in for hours and hours. woke up the next day and went to see rent. awesome movie...i could see how someone who doesn't like musicals may think its weird... but... i really liked it :) then it was off to kings for lunch. mine wasn't all that great. i never was really a fan of kings. lol. and the ice cream made me sick. so that was quite eventful. afterward, i went home and spent some time with my mom. we went shopping and i tried to help her fix the front door. i guess it happened at the right time, because you could get in when the door was locked. so we got what i thought would fix it...but you couldn't get in from the outside, only the inside. i went out again and got a doorknob to fix it once and for all. haha. and i stopped at my cousins to pick up my adorable louis vuitton purse and shes pregnant again. i just found out! and shes going to have it in january! thanks everyone for telling me... lol.

traffic was hell on the way back. it took me like 6 and a half hours to get here. i was stopped on the turnpike for a while. i was supposed to be going like 80. not. cool. my knee felt like it was broken when i got out, lol. but i did get a nice surprise when i got home. chad cooked me a really nice dinner. now i can't say he hasn't cooked a real dinner since we moved here. after dinner we went to the silver diner and got the milkshake that they didn't have last time we were there. that place is so cute. lol. it was the end to my day that i needed. this thanksgiving was really good. i needed that time with my friends... and i didn't get to see some other people that i had hoped to (ahem, christina) but i guess thats what happens when i dont know if i'm going home till the last minute. lol. we'll figure something out for next time!! and...i still have to see walk the line. i heard it was amaaaaazing. oh! chad and i went shooting the other night at the range. it was fun. i was kind of scared at first, cause i didn't know what to expect. somehow, i ended up shooting the target in the crotch like every time. watch out boys!! dont make me mad. lol. i need practice. i think we're gonna start going every week. :) oooh i just found this shirt on thinkgeek.com.... it says... i read your email. MUAHAHAHA. i have to have one.
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