I'm Still Here

Aug 08, 2009 23:04

 I know it's been three months since I announced that my heart had gone out of LJ. I haven't done much blogging anywhere, and I don't know how often I'll come back here, but I'm not gone. I'm still here.

Sandi had her knee replacement three and a half weeks ago and is doing spectacularly well-frankly, far better than I would ever have predicted. Her genetic stubborn streak kicked in, apparently. Today she nearly forget her cane when she left a convenience store, which is a good great sign. She mainly just needs to build some endurance.

We never did figure out exactly what was causing the itching, except that it was definitely a histamine reaction. They gave me a shot in the butt of some antihistamine that would then naturally time-release as it emptied out of the muscle. It was a bit weird-I hadn't had a shot in the butt since I went to a pediatrician. The skin on my arms still looks like hell, but the itching has all but vanished (knock wood). I will see my regular doc on Monday, anyway, so of course we'll follow up with that.

Never heard back from The Doctors, but I feel more at peace with the hand I've been dealt than I expected to this soon after having put the pieces of the story together. If you don't understand the reference here, never mind.

Partly because caring for Sandi has kept me busy and partly because we've all but stopped buying 2-liters of soft drinks for the house and are using the money to buy fresh fruit in season, I've finally lost a couple pounds. It's nice not to feel quite so bloated all the time.

I've been watching erotic videos now that I have DSL. So I save time browsing just so I can squander it watching gay porn. Sandi hauled out the flat keyboard that can with this iMac mini, and I love it! I make lots fewer mistakes with it, including that my left pinkie hits the cPS LOCK  lot less when I aim for the "a" key.

I've seen a couple of guys in the past few months. Both very nice guys, and very nice to be, um, "with." The one who's less available is, of course, the one I like better. I'm using Connexion, a lot, which allows one to interact as though with real people. I still miss Justin, but I'm not agonizing over him any more.

Men are such strange creatures. But I'm just intrigued with them. I wonder if and when I'll find one who doesn't want to live without and me who rings my chimes, as well?
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