well it sure has been a long time since i sat here with the goal of updating this thing.
i haven't really needed to.
she basically knows everything that goes on with me.
'everything' is even an overstatement because not much happens with me.
i dread this week during break because i did not want to be placed back into the daily grind of fairfield.
it was weird how on monday morning the break seemed to fade away as if i had been gone for only a weekend.
i say break faded, but a couple basically neat memories of it didnt..
i have more homework this weekend than i did over christmas. i dont understand that at all.
lutterbie gave us a practice AP test, and it can suck the integral of my 'function'. that was a calculus joke, and i hope she is shaking her head right now out of disgust. god i love that.
our task is to finish it by monday.
i have about 7 out of the 409408340 questions complete. it's about 33 pages i think, in total.
it's my fault i have government homework cause i didnt do the vocab words over break, but my excuse is that i t was unbeknownst to me that there are 56 words.
this will be my last concentration for art. im happy because ill have a lot more time to not stress out about my projects, and ill have time to focus on experiments i have in mind.
i still need to use my new colored pencils! i should have asked for a nice set of watercolor paints, but i was dumb and forgot i am almost out!! maybe a couple of staudt's will end up at my house accidentally. i am grateful for my brushes and pencils though; they are thoughtful gifts!
oh yeah, miss bell is gone and i liked her assignments better than mrs. staudt's so i am upset about that.
only 2 or 3 more weeks left though. im not really excited about physics nor english. timed essays frighten me.
earlier i was doing some vocab, but i promised i would update, and so i ventured off to the incredible world of blogging. i bet that caused another head shake. mwahahah! one day ill be able to summon those at will. itll be keen!
i've been looking at scholarship searches online, but nothing seems to fit me. lots of things are based on community service, and i have none... i'll pick up some more information at school monday and look at those.
i think ill get my license when this term ends. then maybe ill do service and stuff, and i can apply for things next year too!
ive been thinking about getting a job for the second half of the school year. ill have to look around.
been listening to my ten in the swear jar cds. i forgot how great this band is (well, was).
i never paid attention to these words, but some parts of this song make me thing of someone, but i can't quite put my finger on who.... ;P
This back and forth is killing me
I call you too much 'cause I worry
Been sweet on you since that first talk
Said it so loud, maybe too loud
Oh when you write you're still crazy about me
Then I thank god 'cause my prayer has come true
I think so hard about how to reply to you
So you can feel I'm still crazy about you
Drop it off on your doorstep
The reasons why I like you
Even though it's too much
It shook us up a bit but they're still true
So then it's friends, well, deep friends
Yeah I'll wait around happily
'Til we suss it out like drag queens
she thought i didnt update, but i did. i forgot to take this off of being private so that she could see. duh!
i WAS planning on adding my art for this weekend, and so i will do that now. i didnt get a chance to when i finished because of some things.
it is her first day of new classes, and she says she's nervous.
she shouldn't be though, it's going to be great.
i wish her luck!