The Katekyou Hitman Reborn! Kink Meme 3!
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Then, there was a page labeled "Penetration". It started out with a quick anatomical study, important facts to remember and an exact step-by-step guide about how to proceed. Following were pages upon pages listing different positions, their pros, cons, and a complex rating system which Tsuna guessed he wouldn't get without spending at least an hour trying to make sense of it and having Gokudera himself explain what all the stars, arrows, dots and circle meant.
But the most important bit of information didn't hide in code. It was written in plain, big roman letters on the top of the first page, directly under the caption. It read simply "Can Be Painful" and was underlined twice. Obviously, therein lay the problem. Tsuna knew that Gokudera was terrified of hurting him in any kind of way. It was actually one of the biggest problems in their relationship. Tsuna felt like he never could be completely sure if Gokudera actually agreed with him or if he just didn't want to object. They had been working on it and they were by now on much more equal footing than at the beginning, which still had been a far cry from what they had started out on since Gokudera had set his mind on getting to be Tsuna's right hand.
So that was why they hadn't tried it yet. That was why Gokudera had blocked every attempt Tsuna had made up to then, sometimes so subtly that Tsuna had only noticed what had happened the next morning or when he was back home again. Gokudera was too afraid of doing something wrong to even try at all. Usually, not taking a chance because of fear was something so unlike Gokudera, but as soon as it came to Tsuna, all the rules that applied to every other person were thrown to the wind. Tsuna felt his cheeks flush with happiness and his chest was all warm and fluttery. It had him taken far too long to see what so many people had already told him, to understand just how deep Gokudera's devotion went and that he didn't really base it on some ideal image he had of Tsuna (like he had feared for a long time, because he just hadn't been able to believe that useless, idiot Tsuna could be worth to be trusted in to such an extent), but that he really saw Tsuna the way that he was.
Still, Tsuna wanted to try. And obviously, Gokudera wanted to as well, Tsuna could tell just as clearly as he could see why Gokudera had been too afraid to actually do anything yet.
Tsuna shifted a bit uncomfortably on the bed and bit his lip. He was already almost painfully hard, but not even mainly because of what he was reading about. No, Gokudera wrote his notes always exceedingly clinically, devoid of any kind of emotion (excluding very rare and very small personal comments like that triple coded smiley). There was nothing arousing about such a cold, direct description of what goes where. No, that wasn't it at all. What really got to Tsuna was the way Gokudera's usually so neat handwriting was slightly wobbly nearly constantly, becoming nearly erratic in places. Tsuna could practically see how Gokudera had probably sat just over there on the chair at his desk having to try harder and harder at staying objective in his note taking, getting distracted and thinking about doing these things he was writing down to Tsuna-- And Tsuna couldn't-- He couldn't stop himself from pushing his hand down his pants, he couldn't not touch himself while thinking about Gokudera struggling with himself because he'd been fantasizing about Tsuna.
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