The Katekyou Hitman Reborn! Kink Meme 3!
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The room looked very normal, and nothing like the torture chamber Mukuro-sama implied it was; with a small sofa, two chairs, and a wooden desk.
Standing to the side, looking out one of the windows was Hibari-san. He looked the same as in the Namimori of the Future. White shirt, black jacket with a red arm band pinned to one of the sleeves hanging off his shoulders, and dark slacks.
“Don’t stand there in the doorway’ he said briskly, still not looking at those crowded around the door. Hesitantly, Chrome took small steps inside, feeling a little like she was entering a monster’s den than a simple office.
The door swiftly closed behind her. Chrome blinked one eye as she heard Boss protesting to the other boys, but his voice became distant while footfalls faded away as well.
“Sit.” Yet another command from Hibari-san, Chrome was starting to wonder if he could have a normal conversation. Then again, the same could be said of her since she’d rather hide away from people than interact. It was only through a constant struggle and effort on her part the girl had come this far.
Smoothing the pleated gray skirt, Chrome sat down in one of the chairs, leaving the sofa across from her available, in case Hibari-san wanted to sit too.
At last, Hibari turned to face the intruder. From a distance the uniform strongly resembled Namimori’s; now that he was close enough to observe her, Hibari concluded that it was the genuine article.
This caused his hackles to rise, seeing red for a moment. What was ‘his’ game? Bringing his puppet her and dressing the girl up as a student. It was obviously a trick, a way to get inside his head and mess with it.
Hibari refused to be budged though. “Why are you here?” he asked, upfront and without pretense. The girl blinked stupidly then tried to sink into the chair like some cornered prey. Rabbit. She reminded him of a rabbit, what with her wide eye and timid nature.
Hibari’s gaze wandered to the girl’s hair, only to find the pineapple-leaf ‘tuff’ was absent. Instead, the violet colored length rested calmly on her shoulders. Her eye patch was present, but instead of decorated with a garish silver skull, a simple black piece of fabric. Since he was already staring, Hibari saw no harm in looking at the uniform in question.
The neck ribbon was a perfect little knot of red satin. Collar upright and without so much as a hint of wrinkles or creases. A bit of smooth pale skin before collar met the scoop of a navy knitted vest. Then down to the gray skirt. It was the proper length, unlike the horrible green ‘thing’ he had seen her in other times. A very short skirt made borderline indecent since the top was also cropped several inches to show her mid drift.
However this…suited her better, Hibari decided, only to remember himself. Why he had called her there. And who she was…or rather who was controlling her. Hibari had no doubts in his mind that the only reason she was at Namimori and dressed in the girl uniform was because of ‘that man’. The one he wanted to meet again and personally see to burying.
“I’m waiting for an answer and I don’t like it when people waste my time” he strictly reminded the intruder.
Chrome shifted uncomfortably in her chair. “I…I’m here because I wanted to show Hibari-san something.”
A slender black eyebrow rose, “If it’s one of your illusions, you can forget it.”
“Ah, no! I’m sorry. I won’t waste anymore of your time.” After saying so, Chrome stood up quick, fussing with smoothing her skirt down for a moment.
“This…is what I wanted to come and show you” she muttered, eye downcast.
Again, Hibari found himself openly observing her in uniform and how the girl wore it so well. The same outfit he had seen on dozens of girls before her, looked different somehow. Perhaps some flaw or alteration she had done to it. Taking a few steps closer, Hibari tried to pick out some design flaw, some skewed measurement. Yet, upon closer inspection, they were barely an arm length apart now; Hibari couldn’t find anything obvious.
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