The Katekyou Hitman Reborn! Kink Meme 3!
The meme is now closed to requests. Please visit
Kink Meme Four to post any prompts you think of. This meme is still open for commenting and filling requests.
You can find the list of unfilled prompts from the second kink meme here:
Part 1/
Part 2. A list of filled requests from that meme is
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Gokudera couldn't help but flash a smile for a second when the idiot screamed his name. He was entering the moron, eyes shut as he felt how tight Yamamato was. He ground harder and harder, the screams grew louder and louder and...
"...and this is where you'll change to the extreme!"
Both boys whipped their heads to the doorway to see Ryohei enter with a small group of freshmen. Jaws dropped all over the room, fuck, he felt the shocked stares pierce his naked body. Why oh why did it take a full minute to register before he grabbed his wrinkled clothes on the floor and hide his damn shame?!
The sounds of hasty feet leaving the room echoed throughout the halls as Ryohei stood there- silent for the first fucking time. Well...for as long as he could stay silent anyway.
"W-wait!? What about the boxing club!? COME BACK TO THE EXTREME!!!!" the desperate boxer strained his voice, calling out to the few freshmen he almost recruited. Alas they were long gone. Gokudera only gulped as the lawn-head turned his head slowly, quietly as he gave him an extremely piercing stare.
"Maa, maa, luckily it wasn't the baseball team huh?" a sweaty Yamamato laughed nervously as he zipped his pants, only to meet two scary stares.
well you did just say a sporting team xD
Very ho, anon loves.
But yes, awesome to the extreme! Anon approves!
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