New Original Fiction Blog!

Oct 08, 2008 11:31

I got tired of having the original fiction F'locked, and I didn't want to setup an add-filled LJ (I am NOT enthralled at the idea of paying for more than one account here) so I went ahead and setup a WordPress blog.

I've finally gotten the installation beaten somewhat into shape, so if folks would be willing to take a gander over at and let me know how the layout looks, I'd be verymuchthankful! ^_^

I've setup the LiveJournal feed for Unquiet Bones over here, but for now I'll continue manually cross-posting to LJ. Once the buts are worked out, I'll switch for good, but I'm still getting into the rhythm of WordPress. Plus all of my social circles are on LJ. *grins at her f'list* ^_^

And now I have to go rework The Unforgotten Country so it's just fanfic... *adds another page of things to her To Do list* Yay. :P

filter: writing

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