So I was feeling a bit nostalgic, so I've dredged up a bunch of my old posts and backdated them for posterity. ^_~ heh
NOTE: These are writings from 1997, which means they are over a decade old. Thus they lack a certain- hmm, 'polish?', but they are also fond memories of my days on and I wouldn't trade them for the world. ^_^
Previously Posted ACFF stuffs (some rewritten more recently ^_~)
Ah, they joys of being able to say 'well, apparently I've gotten better! Yikes!' hehehehe ^_~
Lots more left to post though, will probably try and get the rest of My Cat is an X-Man! up tonight as well as some of the As The Fur Flies insanity. Aaah ACFF, how on earth did you put up with me? ^_~;; *grin*