sga_flashfic rough rough

Oct 14, 2007 08:19

There were two options in the Pegasus Galaxy: you fought or you ran. Neither choice was safer than the other, because you could never run quite far enough that the Wraith couldn't find you, and you could never fight long enough to kill them all. It was a universal truth, a law of life as immutable as physics.

Which, Ronon thought, is why P43-A6X drove Rodney nuts. (A saying which he'd never truly understood, even after hours and hours of television and other cultural immersion. Nuts just sat there, they didn't bounce from lab to lab babbling away in frustrated impatience. It should have been 'squirrelly', not 'nuts'. But he'd given up on trying to make English make sense.)


"STARGATE ATLANTIS", "STARGATE SG1" and other related entities are owned, (TM) and © by MGM TELEVISION and DOUBLE SECRET PRODUCTION in association with GEKKO FILMS and THE SCIFI CHANNEL. All rights reserved. No copyright infringement is intended nor implied.

Technorati tags: writing | fan fiction | science fiction | stargate atlantis | the unforgotten country | fanfic

writings 2007-10, zz - stargate atlantis, filter: wip fanfiction

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