TITLE: Just One More Step
Doctor WhoLENGTH/RATING: 100 words, PG
dw100 Challenge #123 is return to flight. I wanted so desperately to end this with 'Funny little things, penguins.' but I resisted... and now I think I should have gone with it. ^_~
He watched them learn to fly in awkward leaps and bounds across the centuries. For every one that made it off the ground, a thousand others fell and yet they kept going. Kept driving forwards into the blue. It was obsessive, this urge to soar where nature had never intended them to go, yet they kept moving closer. One inch at a time. It was that drive, that unbounded will to do the impossible that kept him coming back. The universe was vast, and time unending, but if they could learn to fly, what else would they learn to do?
![](http://theunforgottencountry.everydaydragons.com/Small TUC.jpg)
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