Jan 08, 2010 15:51

1. Thank you so much for the following artists and writers who have participated and made this round merry. Please shower them with love for their fabulous entries \o/

actualize, alcyonev, amcw177, anime19595, antireality, asael, asario, azurecerulean, bandanability, charpieinuse, crimson_flyers, cross_chord, dame_batsie, dark_insanity13, demoerin, doomcake, dreamingrain, ekmisao, emmayori, flikrin, flying_embers, foxarashi, idioteva, insu_i, istrill, jusrecht, kar_chan, kat8cha, kchanlp, king_oz, kirayukari, kyun_yo, lampazo_libre, lulu, luna_lenasai, lyra_star, lysapadin, melissa_42, nonoji, nuakiire, nurikokoishii, pectus_pectoris, penombrelilas, placidmage, rainxlikexstars, ratachicle, recodes, rodickparker, saying_sooth, selenas_magick, shinigami39, silverymare, skyunlimited, smiles1777, spiritdream, sutlers, teelatsuki, yamamotokun80, zan_jusan

I hope I haven't missed anyone orz

Total prompts: 583
Claimed: 425
Filled: 223
Total participants: 59

Most prolific artist:
I. skyunlimited
II. teelatsuki
III. ratachicle

Most prolific writer:
I. alcyonev
II. lysapadin
III. bandanability and melissa_42

Most prolific artist&writer: recodes

3. That said, don't forget that late entries are still accepted. If you cannot finish your claimed prompt/s on time and still wish to do so, don't hesitate to post them when they're done.


round 2, *mod post

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