Title: The Colour of Memories
akanoaki Rating: M
Warning: Smut
Prompt: 7-1. TYLHibari/TYLMukuro - madness; "you bring out the darkness in me"
Word Count: 2,846
Summary: While he fends off the nightmares, Mukuro has to wonder why he seems to be the only one who longs for his lover's touch.
Fend off the nightmares. )
Title: Through the Glass
akanoaki Rating: T
Warning: Drama?
Prompt: 7-4. Byakuran/Mukuro - 15 years; "I want to see you again"
Word count: 2,397
Summary: Fifteen years after the Vongola returned to their time, two imprisoned criminals are still haunted by memories of what would have been. But prison is a cruel place for dreamers.
He wasn't supposed to remember. )