Title: Sins of the Future
hitokirisan Genre: Angst
Pairings: none
Characters: Gokudera, Byakuran, Tsuna, Yamamoto, Reborn
Warning: Byakuran and his general nuttiness
Summary: After their trip into the future, Tsuna and co. were faced with the Byakuran of their time. Now they must decide what to do with the white-haired maniac.
Prompt: IV 19. Byakuran - return; "Here I am, World~ Will you love me?"
This is written for the KHR Fest, Round IV. The answer to the prompt, of course, is a resounding "NO ;A; !!!!" from all parties. Because honestly, nutty world destroyers are NOT lovable. No matter what the Funeral Wreaths might think.
The fic dwelling on the question of "after the disastrous TYL arc, what do the Vongola or the kids do with TYE! Byakuran?" Irie might get off easy, since despite everything that happened, he ultimately proved to be an ally; the same could not be said for Byakuran.
Would they kill him? Byakuran, technically, hadn't done anything to anyone yet; and with the sealing of the Mare rings, he probably wouldn't be able to again. So it would be somewhat a murder in cold blood. Letting him go didn't seem a safe choice, either.
I've intended this to be Byakuran-centric, but Gokudera (who arguably suffered the most angst in the TYL arc, the poor dear) insisted on having the spotlight, so here you are.
"Tsunayoshi-kun killed me in the future," Byakuran corrected with a bright grin, making two points in a single sentence, "I just haven't reached that future yet." )