1. Thank you so much for the following artists and writers who have participated and made this round merry. Please shower them with love for their fabulous entries \o/
o0o_faor_o0o ,
alcyonev ,
antireality ,
asael ,
asario ,
azurecerulean ,
agentlerain ,
bandanability ,
bluscarlatto ,
chaernotwasted ,
cylissie ,
conditionally ,
duskbecomesher ,
destinedcarcass ,
dark_insanity13 ,
emmayori ,
glittertorn ,
idioteva ,
justsonya ,
jusrecht ,
king_oz ,
lawliet69 ,
legare_virtuoso ,
lysapadin ,
loveheartsalone ,
luna_lenasai ,
melissa_42 ,
masanami ,
makemegray ,
nurikokoishii ,
nuakiire ,
pollinia ,
pectus_pectoris ,
ratachicle ,
shu_hime ,
sylphs_dream ,
smiles1777 ,
saying_sooth ,
shiningdrop ,
teelatsuki ,
tamliko ,
uglytidings ,
xxcrownclownxx ,
yamamotokun80 I hope I haven't missed anyone orz
Total prompts: 641
Claimed: 385
Filled: 232
Total participants: 44
Most prolific artist:
luna_lenasai II.
teelatsuki and
ratachicle III.
nuakiire Most prolific writer:
alcyonev II.
lysapadin III.
xxcrownclownxx 3. That said, don't forget that late entries are still accepted. If you cannot finish your claimed prompt/s on time and still wish to do so, don't hesitate to post them when they're done.