Title: Stalemates
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/2885488/1/StalematesAuthor: surestsmile
Rating: PG
Genre: Gen
Brief summary: They are the nobodies in a group of Nobodies. They're stalemates. Roxas sits, Axel thinks, and Demyx? Demyx dreams.
Featured characters and/or pairing(s): Axel, Demyx, Roxas. Light Axel/Roxas and Axel/Demyx
Reason(s) for the recommendation: This was wonderfully written, exploring the notion of a Nobody (what exactly it all means) as well as the characters of Axel, Demyx and Roxas. Angsty but not overly so, with the right amount of hope, fluff and humour mixed in, just the way I like it (:
Excerpt(s) of interest:
Axel doesn't dream of a future, he doesn't dare to. He leaves the castle-building to Demyx, who sings of distant lands and skies and seas and stories of made-up people with hearts to anyone who would listen like a true bard, and Axel can see that Demyx truly believes with the simple faith of a child. It's funny, how Roxas is like the man and Demyx the boy, and Axel isn't sure where he fits in this equation anymore, though he doesn't care to think on it for long and wraps the two in his arms, Demyx's breatheless laughter mixing with Roxas' silence.