Title and Link:
Upendi Rating: G
Genre: Het Romance
Brief summary: Rafiki takes a hand in the fate of another young couple when Sora and Kairi come to visit his world.
Featured characters and/or pairing(s): Sora/Kairi, Rafiki
Reason(s) for the recommendation:
This, in my opinion, is Sora/Kairi done right: sweet, but not so overbearingly sweet that you feel you might get tooth decay, and a little more on the subtle side.
Plus, what can I say? Upendi was my favourite song in Lion King II and I'm a sucker for fics than blend Disney/Final Fantasy canon into the Kingdom Hearts world.
Excerpt(s) of interest:
“I never knew this stuff was here,” he admits, rubbing the back of his head and wincing. Oh yeah, claws. He really needs to learn how to retract those.
“Does it bother you?”
“Me? Naw. This is peanuts compared to some of the places I’ve been.” He watches the approaching drop with some trepidation. He may have seen and done some pretty incredible things on his travels, but never before has he been expected to fly using a giant leaf. The magic of the keyblade prickles in the back of his mind, ready to release to save them.