Nicks on the IRC

Nov 04, 2010 13:21

First of all, how to recognise if you are registered or not:

Do a /whois [nick] command.

TYLGokudera is qwebirc@[ipaddressdeleted] * Rizon Web IRC @
TYLGokudera on &#fsooc
TYLGokudera using * Where are you?
TYLGokudera has identified for this nick <-- See this?
TYLGokudera End of /WHOIS list.
KiriAya is qwebirc@[ipaddressdeleted] * Rizon Web IRC @
KiriAya on &#fsooc
KiriAya using * Where are you?
KiriAya End of /WHOIS list.


Registering Your Nick

Enter the following, where [password] is a password of your choice and [email] is your email.

/msg NickServ register [password] [email]

As you are messaging the Nick Server (/msg NickServ), this will not appear on the channel. The channel will not be able to see your password or email UNLESS you forget the / at the start of the command.

Check your email, and enter the code and your nickname will be registered.

Each login with that username will require you entering your password now. If you forget to tick the box on the webchat client, use:

/msg NickServ identify [password]

To change your password:

/msg NickServ set password [password]

This goes without saying you need to be identified first.

Optionally, you can have your nickname protected so that if another user tries to use it, they will be forcibly renamed after one minute if they do not change their nick. This can be done with the following command:

/msg NickServ set kill ON

Conversely, to turn this off, type the same command with OFF instead of ON.
You can also set the kill at 20 seconds with QUICK

To cancel your nickname registration:

/msg NickServ drop [nick]

You must be identified to use this command.

If your computer happens to mess up and you find that you appear twice on the list of a channel because the server still believes you are online, you can either wait for it to ping out after 240 seconds, or you can use a ghost command to kill it. This requires the nick of the ghost to be registered, however. If you had changed your name to an unregistered one, this would not work.

/msg NickServ ghost [nick] [password]


Once you have registered your nickname, then I am able to give you auto-ops and the like. :)

!guide, !nickserv, !irc

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