lol. I waited for someone to post first before posting mine.
Present for
myojo_s_me from
pau_panda Type of present: Self-done doujinshi
Pairing: Hibari/Gokudera
Rating: umm. G? (i suck at doing thisT-T)
Personal note: Well, I hope you like this v. short doujinshi. I sort of mixed your request up. It originally supposed to be a fanart with PG-13 rating but I really have no idea how it turn out like this... OTL. Also, my Hibari probably is a little bit OOC? This idea of Hibari liking small children (since he's always like small animals) just pop up in my head and so this doujinshi is form. XD
Despite all the failness, This actually is really fun to draw. >_<