I'm about to enter the land of family, children, food, and chaos, so I think realistically this is the last one I'll manage.
http://home.comcast.net/~kholodak/Christmas/10%20Santa%20Gets%20Around.mp3Santa Gets Around was sung by Emily when she was 6. I'm fairly certain there's spots in there where she wasn't sure what she was talking about and just sang it phonetically. (What 6 year old needs to know about cholesterol?)
The first Christmas song Jim wrote was Santa Be Good. Mike sang it when he was 10 years old. And then 4 years later Dan sang it when he was 13. I find it interesting what a difference 3 years of age can bring. Mike's is very much a little boy song, while Dan has a bit of an Elvis thing going.
http://home.comcast.net/~kholodak/Christmas/07%20Santa%20Be%20Good.mp3 Dan: