(no subject)

Apr 17, 2006 11:45

So here I am. Israel was lovely. I highly enjoyed it, although between my grandparents and all the people I needed to visit, I didn’t have much time to plan my own schedule. Oh well; I suppose that that’s the way it goes when you visit for little time, infrequently. The trip has also made me decide to try to avoid Iberia Airlines as much as possible; for the second time they did not give me my luggage upon returning to the Sevilla airport. When this happens two out of the three times I’ve flown with them, it really makes me wonder. My host mom has commented that Iberia, for all that it’s a Spanish company, is malísima (really bad). It could also just be the Sevilla airport, but when I need to fly out of Sevilla to go home, I’m reluctant to want to risk it again.
For those of you getting postcards, I apologize if my handwriting gets a bit crooked. I was writing them in the middle of the night and I had horrible allergies (don’t worry, I didn’t sneeze on anyone’s postcard). It was rather strange that I had such bad allergies, because I usually don’t. I don’t know what’s causing the allergies! Hopefully my grandmother has sent the postcards, heh.
I’ve decided to go Sephardic for Passover. That being said, for breakfast yesterday I ate an apple, a banana, and some matzah with peanut butter. So there =) (Oh yeah - Sephardic is a “sector” of Judaism; it depends on your ancestry. If your ancestors are from southern Europe [Spain, Portugal, Italy, France, etc.] and northern Africa, you’re Sephardic; if your ancestors are from northern Europe, you’re Ashkenazi. Sephardim eat rice and certain nuts and legumes during Passover, while Ashkenazim do not.)
Hmmm. This year I haven’t been dreading Passover as much as I used to, although my opportunities in Sevilla to eat the appropriate food are much slimmer than in the States, even compared to Rochester. I’ll get through it in one piece =)
Well, the trips to Tangiers (Morocco), London, Dublin and Liverpool are coming up soon. Then it’s May, and I’ll be busy studying and doing all the things I should have done a month or two ago. Sigh. Well, at least May is that much closer to June.
Let’s see. I saw V for Vendetta not too long ago; I liked it, and now I’d like to see it in English.
If there’s anything that anyone really wants me to have before I return home in June, my parents are visiting me next month.
It’s strange that Semana Santa is now over; I was getting used to all the hype! At least we still have Feria. I can only imagine what it’ll be like when May comes and we don’t have any more big to-dos around Sevilla. Oh well. I have Harry Potter to keep me company until I leave for Feria.
Speaking of which, has anyone ever wondered what it would be like to be someone of the opposite sex/gender? (…this is not related to Harry Potter)


“We live in… uh… Sam, where do we live, again?” - Shir to Sam at about 1:00 AM
“Look at the pretty lights!” - Shir, a couple minutes later
“Did you just sit down or did you just fall down?” my host mom to me at dinner last night

spain, israel, holidays

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