Just thought I'd come on here and say I miss you, and I don't know why I can't get back into LJ for real! No, for real, I mean, like... Like I used to be! I guess you could say I've "matured" but that's just a load of crap. I haven't! And while I've been a bit busy, I was busier when I blogged more! The busier I was, with work and school at the time, the more I relaxed on LJ! What the heck, ya'll?
I guess cause I can't write? If I can't write, I'm nothing, I suppose. LOL. I'd LIKE to write. I've had ideas. Inklings. But nothing's really grabbed at me and had me go OOH OH OH I MUST SLASH YOU since Stargate Atlantis. :( Oh, show, I miss you so.
Favorite shows at the moment are still Chuck and Castle. Also, Suburgatory is damn funny. (also the real housewives of beverly hills i'm kind of addicted to but shhhh, i'm not admitting that outloud, WHISPERING!)
Hawaii Five-O sucks. All ya'll who called it in the beginning of the season, you were right, I was wrong. I was all, I don't watch for the plot anyway, what do I care if the plots are worse! Yeah. I care. Apaprently. I don't know, I don't even really enjoy the show at all anymore except for my yummy Scotty Caan, and Steve/Danno interaction... which is kind of less this season, isn't it? I always do something else when I'm watching it... play dice or words with friends on my iphone or something. Crochet. Read. I never used to do that.
Still doing the website thing. The latest:
http://www.brandednola.com. It's perty huh? It's my favorite one I've done so far. That one and
http://www.woogiewescue.org. Speaking of the website thing... know what sucks? When you work on someone's $600 website and when you're done, they drop off the face of the earth and don't pay you. Yeah. That sucks. I did get a $200 deposit but I'm still waiting on that $400. I'm gonna have to sue the bitch to get it, and I think suing will cost more than I get in return... though I think I can get court costs if I win. I am contemplating. Anyone a business attorney on this thing?
Wank. I still roll my eyes at you. I love/hate you, wank. *pets* I see that people are still the whiney bitches they were when I stopped frequenting this place, huh? Awwww. Never change fandom. You give me the giggles.
Happy holidays again, hope you all have great ones! This is yet another attempt at getting back into LJ... I think we can all predict that I'll fall off the face of the earth again shortly, but here's to hoping I don't!!!!
BTW, what are the big fandom juggernauts these days? It's not still Twilight is it? I just CAN'T get into that. Or Inception. I tried, I really really tried.