Delicious, you asshole, all that organization I had going on is now GONE?! Now it's called stacks instead of bundles and it's just GONE?! Tell me I'm missing something here. I'm sure I'm late, that I know, but... tell me I'm just mistaken.
ETA + 1hr Long Freakout: Luckily for me, I can say a big fat fuck you to delicious, I backed your ass up when you made me sign the "now transferring" thing (which I didn't read so I really shouldn't have signed it because I ain't got hardly NOTHING for ya that ain't pornographic in nature) and now that you've completely dismantled what I spent five years doing, I am moseying on over to diigo, and BOOYAH BITCHES. Fuck you, delicious.
Anyone else on diigo? Where have you moved your stuff to? Are you as pissed as me?
I'm on diigo here: Unfortunately no bundles, but as of now it's really more abount principle for me. At least I can edit my damn tags there.
By the by, awesomesauce? There's a google chrome plugin called "Sharaholic" by which I can post things to diigo, delicious (booo!!!), faceboo (i was going to edit this and correct it to facebook, but faceboo makes me giggle too hard), twitter, and pasted into a brand new gmail mail all from the same button. I don't know if there's a firefox version or not, but I've been using chrome more often t han not lately for some reason. Anyway, I love it. Just wanted to share the sharaholic knowledge wealth.