I hate when they sing The Beatles, because I love the Beatles and it's very hard to impress me when you sing the Beatles.
Ashley or however it's spelled. Crazy crazy lady. She got married. LOL. Hopefully even if she gets kicked off Idol tonight she'll just be happy to be a married girl.
Holy crap did I dig Paul Townsend. His voice. The girl was good too but I loved his voice so much.
I need to learn to not get attached in the audition process because I pick a favorite and then we get further downt he line and Im like "damn, I don't remember him... damn, I don't remember HER... DAMN I AM SO CONFUSED AS TO WHO IM PEGGING TO WIN NOW!"
I still say it's between Casey Abrams and Jacob Lusk. Casey hasn't performed yet as of this writing, but Jacob did and he killed his part. I'm with Randy, I don't mind him making it his own, and I say if anything make it MORE your own. Ebeneezer Baptist that crap, dude. (In case none of you know what that meant,
here's the New Orleans chapter.
That Rachel Zevito (is that her name?) is wonderful. I thought she was great when she was singing opera a few years ago, but she's even better now.
Thea is great but it wasn't her song, and they both as a group sucked... thank you JLo, you said it for me, lol.
Ashley isn't sobbing and crying like a crazy person today. Their performance wasn't very good. Steven cracked me up with his HUH HUH in the middle. LOL.
I think the Scottie threesome was great. Scottie doing the "and I sing low" was hilarious.
They didn't show hardly any of Casey's performance. That scares me a bit... though I think if he fucked it up they would have highlighted it a bit more because of the drama. They know he's a favorite. I'm sure he'll slide by.
Aaron Sanders is great. His group was uneven, but he certainly stood out.
They are such dicks for how they do the cut/stay thing. Step forward, I'm so sorry, this is so hard, but you're... STAYING CONGRATS. God. Dicks. Just rip off the fucking bandaid.
Aw, bye Carson. It's okay baby, go out and be the next NPH.
Good, I'm glad that Ashley didn't like, slit her wrists from being cut. LOL. She scared me for her mental health.
Last Half
This mile long walk is fucking ridiculous. Horrible. How very Walk the Plank American Idol. You're stupid.
Aw, Steven, "You're a flower. Now bloom."
I like that all of these people are very talented, and they seem to be genuinely upset that some of the others aren't making it. They seem to like each other, mostly.
Jun. I'm tired of them harping on his cutting JC out... I don't give a shit. LOL. Honestly. He's fucking talented, he should go through on that.
I'm so sick and tired of them showing Jennifer saying "I don't wanna do this anymore." Just freakin' get to the part where she does it, stop giving me the same damn clip over and over.
I really, really, really am very impressed with Paul Townsend! He never blipped my radar before tonight.
Ashton, no no no on the long curls, I LOVE your Diana Ross hair!!!!
Aw, Jen's totally gonna make me cry with her about Chris. I really believed her. And Steven gave him a kiss on the cheek. And now she's realy breaking down and I thought they were showing me that clip of her so much that I wasn't going to give a shit by the time they got to it and yet... yep. It's okay Jen, you told him well, and you guys were right to cut him. He was all over the place.