So apparently Danny has a brother, and that brother will be played by Dane Cook.
That Dane Cook is a Silly Bitch.
Christ Chex!
Dane. Motherfucking. Cook.
Can you tell I love Dane Cook? All you bitches who think he sucks can kiss my ass, because I love Dane Cook and I think he is a hot bitch and I think he is hysterical and I MOTHERFUCKING LOVE DANE COOK, and I think he is a perfect match for Danny's brother.
Because he, too, is a ticking time bomb sort of dude. He's not short and compact like Scott is, but oh I cannot wait for the bickering and yelling and teasing that will happen when this show airs, apparently sometime in February.
I've loved Dane Cook since before anyone knew who the fuck he was, and now everyone knows who he is to the point that he's got haters, but I AM NOT ONE OF THEM
Plus, dude, he's sexy.
Would you like to see my favorite jokes by Dane Cook? I love his style. He is such an energetic comedian. All ball of fire energy (which is what I mean by ticking time bomb) and whiplash and hilarity.
He's not for everyone. He's vulgar. I wasn't a fan of his last show because it was more about vulgarity than it was funny, but the previous shows of his I am and here are a few of my favorites.
On being Catholic...
Jokes.comDane Cook - Peace Be With Youcomedians.comedycentral.comDane Cook Kool Aid VideoDane Cook Stand-UpDane Cook Jokes Drive into fuckville...
And this one always makes me cackle...
Uh, when you die nothing happens.
And how he couldn't delete his Mom's phone number after she died.
Jokes.comDane Cook - Deleting the Numberscomedians.comedycentral.comDane Cook Kool Aid VideoDane Cook Stand-UpDane Cook Jokes I still can't delete Grandma's and Aunt Joan's number.
By the way, skip his movies. His movies suck. Not because of his acting, because of the plots.