Okay, so it's official somehow already that Obama is our next president. I have never seen an election decided so early in the night ever. EVER. It's 51% to 48%. I don't understand how they can already call it, for sure. But okay, apparently, it's called.
I just. I'm sorry. I sit here still a bit flummoxed. I am not a fan of the man McCain has become, but that's just it... I've seen him become it. And that's what has me so confused. Is because we don't know Obama. He's been around for 5 years. That's just... that's crazy. It's crazy.
I just have come away with the impression of Obama a someone that talks great but has yet to prove it, yet to show it. I too agree that he talks beautifully, has great ideas, is very inspiring, etc etc etc. But I don't know that he can possibly live up to the brilliance of his words and his promises. I hope I'm wrong, but it seems to me that America fell in love with an idea, an icon, a symbol of hope and change and pretty talking that can't possibly live up to what he has come to mean to this country.
It's not that I think he's a bad guy, I think he's a good guy. I just think he's not who he seems to be because I have never in my life met a man as great as he appears to be. I hope for the sake of our country that I'm wrong, and that he truly IS as great as his words, that he DOES stick to the promises he's made, that the BS that the right has come up with about him is wrong, and that he does for our country what no one has done in years and years and years: give us hope and DELIVER on it.
So I don't know. I hope this is good for us. I hope that this isn't an ugly four years, not just because whether or not Obama lives up to who he's purported himself to be, but to those 48% who not only voted against him but VEHEMENTLY voted against him. Because I don't really know anyone that voted FOR McCain. I don't know what I see happening. I really don't. Racism will either rise greatly, or fall greatly. The conservatives will either be very angry, or very depressed. I don't.
I don't know what I'm feeling. On the one hand I am incredibly impressed that anyone got the public to get out there and vote in as great of numbers as people did for this election. I'm impressed that America is ready to vote a black man into the presidency. I'm also wary though, because I look at those pictures of the huge crowds gathering around Obama at rallys and I can't help but think "cult." I'm wary because he's young and inexperienced and has a voting record with more non-votes than actual stances.
I don't know. I'm so fucking confused. I am undecided how I feel about this. I guess I'll just do what my Grandma would say and "let go and let God" and hope for the best.
Because if he's actually what he says he is, this country could really turn around for the better. If he's not... I'm scared at how convincing he was, and how easily the public bought it.
You can lynch me now. Because that's another thing I've noticed: If you aren't Ra-Ra Obama these days, you're either a horrible person, or a racist. And that's scary too. So I guess it's one of those things where Obama isn't really what scares me, but his supporters and their ferver do.
sinaddict had a very, very insightful comment to make to my above pessimistic take on the cult-like nature of Obama's most fervent supporters: "I understand what you're saying, but I'd be more inclined to compare it to the crowds at rallies during the Civil Rights movement where people truly believed that they could make a difference and create change. The level of fervor his supporters have been sustaining seems scary because we're so used to people being utterly apathetic toward government and the ability to affect social change."
She's right. Because I'm the type of person that sees a guy that's super nice and he rubs me the wrong way because "no one is that nice." A girl that's too nice creeps me out because "nobody's that nice". I'm not used to people being motivated, so when I do see it I see it as something suspect.
And thus lies my whole inability to buy into the whole Obama thing: No man could possibly be what he supposedly is, because in the history of my personal experience? No man ever has. So.
We'll see.