Oct 02, 2008 18:57
I want to know why... by the way? Political post.
I want to know why a bill that failed to pass just a few days ago because of overwhelming "no" votes by the people of this country calling into their senators and saying "UH NO, DO NOT WANT!" got passed last night when it ran through again.... only this time, worth 150 million MORE.
I thought government was supposed to be run by the people for the people. I thought, ya know, there's a lot wrong with our system and our government, but the most pervasive thing wrong with it is the people that sit there and bitch about it but don't get up and DO anything about it, go out there and educate the uneducated, get out there and vote... I thought the worst problem this country had in respect to our government was our laziness.
Except the public spoke on the bailout plan and it overwhelmingly said HELL NO, and... it got passed anyway, two days later, called something else, worth more.
And see, here's the thing. These lending companies? Where the fuck is their accountability for running their businesses badly? For loaning out irresponsibly? For not running credit checks, for not requiring 10% down payment, for not being, ya know, smart about it at all. Why do my tax dollars, which I work damn hard for, go towards paying for THEIR FUCK UP? And not just mine, but my unborn kids' and even, possibly, probably, THEIR unborn kids.
And here's the thing. What's the rush? No seriously. What is the rush? This is why they closed the stock market after 9/11. The shit, that's been building up for like, over a decade by the way, which means we have TWO presidents to blame here, hit the fan, okay. It hit it. But the panic that ensues, the over reaction, the over correction of the wheel to use a driving metaphor, is what's gonna sink us. Not the actual event, but what people think it will possibly probably mean, and their fear about that unknown factor.
The economy didn't get fucked in a day, we don't need to fix it in a day. There should have been a moratorium on doing anything for a year, to the day. It's like when I get into a fight with my Dad, I have to hang up the phone and take a bath and calm down before I continue discussing it or I'm going to do or say shit I don't mean and will regret later that I can't take back.
Plus, which, guess what? The problem isn't even in the bailout, it's in the fact that why do we need all this additional money to do it? How about we divert the funds going towards bullshit causes, million dollar trips to Mexico for a 1 hour meeting that lasts two weeks for senators, studies on whether or not flies are gay at a certain temperature, tax breaks for employers who encourage their employees to ride their bikes to work... why don't we take that money away from the idiotic expenditures and put it towards something that actually MATTERS.
And this is why I'm so furious and disheartened and on the verge of just giving the fuck up because I mostly thought this was this country's apathy. I thought it was this country's laziness to get up and speak its mind and call its senators and assert itself and let itself be heard... But apparently, even when you DO let yourself be heard, it doesn't fucking matter because they change the order around on the title of a bill and pass it through two days later anyway.
And ya know, fuck you McCain, for turning into such a pussy. He's supposedly against porkbarrel spending and bullshit riders on bills and gonna veto everything that comes through hsi office if he were president, except, now, with this bill, with all its bullshit riders and crap-laden lingo, he passes it and tows the line because he's afraid if he speaks his mind and calls BS on the BS, he'll piss off the democrats that probably weren't going to vote for him anyway, but REALLY won't now. I used to love you, like, 10 years ago, but now you're just a fucking shill.