So here's the thing. McCain picks the Alaskan gov to be his running mate for VP. He picks her not because she's all things that are wonderful and has a great head for politics... not that he's admitting that... but because she's 1) a woman, and he's hoping to get all the women that were going to vote for Hillary based solely on the fact that she's a woman (not all, but some women literally were going to vote for her just because she had a uterus), 2) she's pretty, and if you want to fuck them then you want to vote for them, and 3) okay yeah, she seems a sufficient politician as well. In. That. Order.
In 3 words: Pisses me off.
Expanding on that...
1. Any woman that's going to vote for a woman based on only the fact that she's a woman is a fucking idiot. I don't get it. Never will. I don't care if you have a penis, a vagina, or both (ha, trannie for prezzie, now there's a slogan) I'm not going to vote for you for any of those reasons... those reasons are out the door as far as I'm concerned. And I'm sorry if this is offensive to you, but if you're voting for a woman because she's a woman, I have no respect for you at all.
2. Sad as that is, it's true. Sarah Palin is pretty, most definitely. She's got a feisty little attitude that makes men want to pin her up against the wall and "teach her a lesson". Why do you think car magazines have women in bikini's posing in their ads? Sex Sells. And politics, fucked up as it is, is about selling. Should be about the issues... isn't.
3. Well she is a governor, and her state seems to support her, so she can't be completely incompetent. Or, well, I guess she can, people kept voting for freakin' Strom Thurmond (though, not for governor), even though the dude couldn't hold his head up straight muchless string together a coherent thought.
Seriously, why not Giuliani? Why not Lieberman? Who the fuck had even heard of Sarah Palin before McCain put her on his ticket besides those in Alaska? You can tell me til you're blue in the face that sex had nothing to do with it, that it was all about qualifications and experience, but I'm so not buying it.
Regardless of those reasons though, now what we have is hypocrisy at it's finest. Democrats shitting on her because her teen-aged daughter is pregnant out of wedlock, and Republicans saying that her daughter isn't her, that's not even the issue, leave her out of it. I'm sorry, have we had a complete role reversal here? I don't get it. I don't. What?!
That's not even the part that's bugging me though. Because that I expected. I knew that would happen, because Republicans and Democrats are the exact same way when it comes to slinging mud and insults... when it's my problem, it's none of your business, it doesn't matter, but oh, when it's yours? BIG problem. Just like when Anita Hill and Clarence Thomas came out R's were calling Anita a bitch and D's were saying Clarence wasn't fit for office, but when Monica and Clinton happened the R's are saying fuck you Bill, and the D's are saying none of our business who's sucking whose cock.
No, the part that's bugging me is the cries of sexism. The media is all about the sexism. "Is it sexism? Will there be sexism? Is America really still sexist? This and more on News Whores 2000 CSNBCFOXCNN at 11." From now on the cries of unfairness will be racism, and sexism. There's not going to be any honest disagreements or differences of opinion according to the news. It's going to be "because he's black" and "because she's a woman." Oh. Get off it. I'm pretty sure the country has moved on a little further than the media wants to give us credit for.
I am already sick of it and it's just begun. Is this country ever going to grow? Or, better yet, will integrity in journalism ever make a comeback?
PS: Like my icon? In case you couldn't tell, it's a chicken with its head cut off. He's also possibly running.