It totally didn't dawn on me that tonight was the premeire of Heroes until about 15 minutes ago. GAH. I've forgotten my tv watching schedule
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Your Thursday nights are so crazy! I would suggest that you should watch 30 Rock but I think you have enough shows already ;)
On Wednesdays I'm going to try out Pushing Daisies, Bionic Woman, Private Practice and Dirty Sexy Money. I admit that the reason Dirty Sexy Money is on this list is entirely because of Peter Krause. Who knows if any of these will last till the end of the month, either on their networks or my tv rotation, but I figured I would give them all a chance.
I don't watch much TV on a television set anymore, but I always liked CSI: NY on Wednesdays. Having seen a good sample of all three CSI shows, I feel I can objectively say that one's the best of the lot. It's going into its fourth season, and if you'd like, I could upload a couple sample episodes for you.
Alternatively, Wednesday could be movie night. Or "Catching Up On Old Shows" night, like Deadwood or Big Love.
on Wednesdays i'll be watching Pushing Daisies. i loved the pilot for that one. i enjoyed the Bionic Woman pilot so i'll try to keep up with that one as well.
Like most other people, I'm really interested in Pushing Daisies. I've also been enjoying Reaper so far, which is like a wackier/far less serious Supernatural and also, like Pushing Daisies, shares common aspects with Dead Like Me.
Comments 5
On Wednesdays I'm going to try out Pushing Daisies, Bionic Woman, Private Practice and Dirty Sexy Money. I admit that the reason Dirty Sexy Money is on this list is entirely because of Peter Krause. Who knows if any of these will last till the end of the month, either on their networks or my tv rotation, but I figured I would give them all a chance.
I hope Heroes was good!
Alternatively, Wednesday could be movie night. Or "Catching Up On Old Shows" night, like Deadwood or Big Love.
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