So I've been watching Dead Like Me, which is a fantastic freakin' show man, Jesus, and I've fallen completely in love with Callum Blue. Oh my god, the man's adorable, and funny, and gorgeous, and beautiful, and sexy, and OH MY GOD SO ADORABLE. Gah. Mason of course owns my heart, and my otp of the show is totally, hands down, Mason/Georgie. Of course, she's only Georgie according to Mason, but that just adds to it, the fact that he's the only one that calls her that. Here, you should watch
this video, because it is awesome, and I love it, and it's George/Mason.
Anyway, the point is, I must now spam you guys with Masony and Callumy goodness. Because first of all, his name! Callum Blue. How gorgeous is that name? Sigh. Plus he's British, which seems to have become a definite fetish of mine. Which isn't surprising how much Brit tv I've been watching lately, because now it seems that I just can't be attracted to Americans anymore because I keep going "but where's the British accent?!" anytime there's not one. LOL. I've infested my brain.
This one is of him in some stupid fucking movie called Caffiene... it's HORRIBLE. Not even worth watching for him.
It's this kind of horrible: American Actors, British Accents. NO.
The rest are all from Dead Like Me. The Blondie in the last 3 is George.
And finally, there's that time that Mason tells Georgie he loves her.
Unfortunately, he means it in a brotherly/friendship way, but still.
There's a KISS.