
normally i loathe summer, but today i love it...

Jun 13, 2007 22:15

And here's why: Naked boys.

Dude. I hate heat in Louisiana, I love the cold, I look much better in winter-wear, my winter clothes are much prettier than my summer wear, I refuse to wear shorts because 1) whitest white person EVER, and 2) cheese. You know what I'm saying.

BUT. Naked boys.

Boys running without their shirts.

Boys mowing their grass without their shirts.

Boys riding bikes without their shirts.

And even though it's not naked, honorable mention: Boys coming into the store I with their tank tops that curve just so to their backs.

I bring this up because I have a new neighbor, who was scrubbing the floor of their apartment, naked chested, and he was tan and beautiful and sweet and probably young, like first year of college young, and and and... beautiful. Lovely six-pack, nicely tanned, not too muscley, just guh. And sweet too. He was all "HI NEIGHBOR, I'M _______!!!" at me when I was walking to my apartment. Unfortunately I had to go quickly into my apartment so I wouldn't either start drooling, start stuttering, or start staring at his happy trail.

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