A Day Off

Oct 15, 2005 10:14

D is off doing a very long day today. It started at 3:00 this morning and I don't expect him to be home before 10:00 tonight. It takes a long time to do a burn-out and pour a cast. The last one didn't work, one little piece of rubber (missing in action) is all it took for the whole thing to fall apart at the last minute...16 hours of work down the drain. We've got the rubber now so this pour should go much better. He's going to be one tired metalsmith when he gets home though.

I, on the other hand, have the day to myself. I have decided to work on wedding stuff. The invitations have been designed (I love being able to do things myself). I even have the little insert written for those non-Thelemites (mostly family) being invited, explaining the whole Gnostic Catholic Mass thing...or..."Why is there a naked lady on the altar?" I tried to keep it short, informative, and basically kind of humorous, describing similarities and differences between the Roman Catholic Mass and Liber XV. Our mothers have already been informed (the biggest obstacles we saw) and their collective opinion was as long as they weren't the one naked on the altar, they really didn't care at all. It's our wedding and whatever we want is what we want. They're just very happy for us.

The next thing I will work on is a missal that the attendees can take home as a keepsake for our wedding. Because attendance will be kept fairly low, I think I've found the coolest thing to use for a guestbook, instead of a book. I'll have to research how much they cost and if I can find one I like, but there are platters you can get that folks can sign, then you can bake in your own oven for a permanent "usable" record of who was at your wedding. What the heck would I do with some silly little book filled with people's names? I'd like a record of who is there, but the whole book thing just seems silly and it will just collect dust somewhere.

And what's with this whole registry thing? D and I aren't getting married so folks can buy us stuff. We're getting married because we want to be together and we want this ceremony...together. My folks don't do the whole registry thing either but they've been very adamant about wanting to know what we want. I've had to explain the concept to D of accepting a gift is a gift to the giver. He's still not real cool with my folks giving us "stuff" but when I reminded him that Dad is a woodworker and we maybe could get bookshelves, he softened up and said that would be okay. (Silly Monkey.) I still don't like "registering" for gifts, but on the other hand, I know people (family mostly) will buy us gifts and if we don't register, then heaven help us with what kinds of things we end up with. I'm contemplating registering at REI or something. We've been looking into getting camping gear so maybe that will work. I just don't know. Opinions?

I still have my dress to design and make (with the talented help of royalbananafish, and I've got another lead on the shirt I want D to wear. Even if I can't get his shirt in the appropriate color (red) if I can find (or make) the basic shirt, I can always dye it the proper color (perhaps with the help of skeletoncrew).

D is putting a halt to all other work come January so he can focus on my wedding ring. We now have all the stones for it and the biggest booger is going to be the setting of one stone directly underneath the central stone (a ruby set immediately underneath a blue/grey spinel), possibly point to point. It's how he wants to do it for the symbolism aspect. He's giving himself three months to make the ring, I doubt it will take that long but he's a perfectionist.

Well, I have a little bit of studying to do today for a very anticipated evening. I should get that done so I can focus on wedding stuff. I don't have days off very often anymore. Of course, I have Lodge work to do too, but it's all pretty small I should be able to actually get everything done.
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