There's a light at each end of this tunnel, You shout

May 20, 2015 11:16

There are so many different coming of age phases we go through that are so crucial to evolving into to "real adults".

-You graduate high school at 18
from 18-21 you think you know everything and you think you're independent..when really you know know nothing, you're unappreciative, immature and your parents are actually paying for all that independence.

Around 22 you start getting "real jobs" and actually start paying a few small bills like cell phones and car insurance.. and you learn to be thankful for the opportunities created by your family. you start to see how much more to life their is besides parties, ravioli and smoking weed.. but you're still young enough to not understand time management, the importance of punctuality or mature ways to handle conflict with co-workers and friends.

and then it happens. the quarter life crisis of 25.
you realize how many habits you want to break
going out to hit the club on a regular basis starts to sound exhausting,... yet you're still down for a good time so you go anyways.
all your friends are engaged, married, pregnant or have babies already.
you want to travel the world but you're broke.
your credit score starts to actually matter.
Watching news, reading newspapers and making socially conscience decisions becomes important.
the reality of crunch time to make your career goals happen begins looming over your head.

"come so far but still have so far to go...too damn young to feel this damn old...young enough to know better but old enough not to care."

Theres a whole nother phase to come after I graduate college. its part of the quarter life crisis but it really is a phase all it's own.
Its the I-just-graduated-college-and-i-need-a-big-girl-job.
that means
resume workshops
letters of recommendation from professors and bosses
networking and attending conferences so employers can place a face to the name on the resume.
learning to balance a checkbook
paying things off to polish that credit score
job searching daily
energy.effort. effectiveness. ..everything you need to achieve success when you realize that the ONLY person who is going to make your dreams come true is you. Thats really what it comes down to. Realizing that no teacher,parent,sibling,grandma,boss, or friend is responsible for getting achieving your goals and the items on your to do list.

This time in our lives..20 something and up and coming...this is the time when we open our eyes and either get off the couch and put down the pot...or stay trapped in the haze of our everyday ways.
I can't speak for anyone else..but I got off the couch a long time ago and I started walking on the path towards success. I dont know if/when/how i'll get there..but i do know i'll die trying
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