I feel rather proud of this little page of stuff, and so I shall share it with you.
They sat on a fallen log that crossed over a waterfall. That fall poured into a lake. They did not face the lake, but instead faced the river that fed the lake. They had sat on this log at least once a day for eight months until Allegra’s 18th birthday. Data had never returned to this holodeck scene - until now, three years later. Allegra, now twenty-four, sat next to him on the log, and for a moment they did nothing but stare at the river. Allegra still looked the same. Her eyes yellow, her skin pale white with a golden hue. Her hair in dark brown spiral curls with just a hint of henna color. Her ears slightly pointed her facial features soft, but strong. Just like her father, who sat next to her. But for all the similarities there was one large difference between them. Allegra had been born of flesh and blood while Data was just an android. The emotion chip within Data had been installed two years previously. He understood that the time between him and his daughter was quite short.
“I am sorry I had to come back to you under these circumstances. I would have much rather come back under much different kinds.” Allegra finally broke the silence between them.
“It is a part of your culture, I understand.” Neither of them looked to each other, but continued to stare at the river.
“You are my culture Da. You raised me. Taught me to be a part of…who we are.”
“These emotions, I have never truly felt complete confusion until now. It is a unique experience.” Allegra giggled at Data’s words.
“You spend all those months trying to raise me without, until you finally put them into yourself. Are you human now? That would go against the violations. What lays ahead of us could never take course because of it.”
“I am still far from human Allegra. I have only evolved a little more.”
“Until you need to eat for sustenance, I do not believe you will ever fully be human, no matter how much you evolve.” What would normally be considered an insult, or offensive, to Data from his daughter, these were insightful words.
“I can eat. You know this.”
“But for pleasure. You went for months feeding me, but never eating for yourself. You do not need to of course, but humans do. They require it. If they do not, they die, just like if they went without air. You can go without air and food. Do you see? In having grown up between three cultures: human, Sphynxion, and android I have learned their differences. Do not strive to be something you may never achieve, but instead celebrate the similarities and enjoy the differences. I never strove to be the perfect android, do not strive to be the perfect human, for inevitably, you will fail. As you told me so often ‘To thine own self be true’. Are these false words Da?”
Data looked over to Allegra and found that she had been looking at him. He carefully reached up to take hold of a curl near her ear.
“I believe Allegra, that you will reach wisdom farther than I will ever be able to grasp.”
I feel really empowered right now. I like it.