So my first experience as "stage manager" is going fairly well....still have quite a few shows to do.... i put it in quotes because a stage manager of a big theatre would be doing lots more than me- but it's a fun group and i even got to add my own sound cue- so yea for doing something silly that i can still claim as a tad of the best parts of the job though is that i get to do some front house stuff too- i'm a lil house manager lil box office... i get to wear these bunny ears & look a lot like the girl on the poster when I'm taking people's money- and it's amusing because a lot of people are coming to see Colby who is the dolphin presenter at the Shedd- so they are used to seeing me dressed as a turtle or a jelly & they come to this theatre & now i'm dressed as a bunny- hah they are going to think i have some sort of weird fetish or other heh. and can I just tell you that the Run Rabbit Run song is ALWAYS getting stuck in my head aaahh... haha.