Dec 10, 2005 16:01
I am starting to get tired of getting in trouble for everything.
Daves leaving tomarrow. so I wont be able to talk to him for a long time,
I'm missing you guys very badly and the more I think about it the sader I get
I'm here everyday thinking that anything I do I'm going to get yelled at or held back for a week longer
could you emagin knowing that if you failed one test one time that you wouldd get hel back and moved to a diffrent class.. if you fail two tests..they move you and give you a new job.. and this isn't easy crap. it's stressfull. and to do it without you guys. it's almost to hard to handle.
but it's like, if I dont learn this right the first time, then someone dies.
happy 18 years old......
speaking of which.. Today is my mothers birthday.
thank god for bands like, the postal service and cursive and my chem. and 30stm.
ugh... holy crap! I just saw a kid from high school here!!!!!
I dont remember his name though, jarred something I'm pritty sure..
he was in my french 1 class and he dated a friend of thats weird
I love you all. stay safe.