So, I started to fill out that countdown meme that appears to have taken over the internets, but I couldn't keep my attention from wandering. Apparently I don't have the energy to focus on my own angst. How sad is that?
But speaking of counting down, I am counting down to NaNoWriMo. Yes, I try every year. No, I never manage. I always flit off and fail, fail, fail, and I have no doubt I will fail again. But, oh, those few short days when I am actually so certain of victory! I think I'll be writing my steampunk novel, because I know for sure that I will fizzle out if I try writing erotic romance in a month. Pressure + sex scenes = really, really bad sex.
I'm trying to make
mizzmarvel participate. One chapter of Blue! Come on, Mizz, you can do it!
(Though I really think she should write me that epic WWII John/Rodney fanfic instead.) (Or too. I'd take too!)
In other news, my birthday is this month! I still get excited over birthdays, though I never do anything particularly cool on my actual birthday. Maybe this year, though, I will...
No, nope, nothing cool. False alarm!