Feb 16, 2005 22:33
I've noticed that none of my friends have updated their journal in at least a month. Come on kids! Granted, I haven't updated in a long time either, but my computer is practically dead, so I have an excuse. I'm lucky enough that Brooke lets me use her computer a million times a week.
Ok, so teaching is going pretty well. I thought I was hitting the wall this week, but I got a little boost just at the right time. The lunch chorus kids are really starting to sound good. I want to do so much with them, but I don't know where to go right yet. I was supposed to have my first observation this week, but my supervisor didn't end up coming to my class. He's going to come in first thing next week, so hopefully it goes well. I think I'm going to do a couple different things with my kids. I'm thinking about introducing some new rules and things. We'll see.
Ugh! Now I know why I don't update this more often: it takes too much effort. I'm thinking of getting a laptop in a couple month, so maybe I'll update more often then. Until next time...