Be thankful!

Nov 26, 2004 13:12

I'm trying to decide whether or not I want to get up early to go shopping. Most stores open in less than 5 hours. I know it's kinda craziness, but if you're prepared for it, then it's not too bad. It's like driving in the snow or walking in the rain...if you're ready to be stuck in snow drifts or not worried about getting your pants soaked, then it's okay. I just called Brooke and asked her if she wanted to come with me. I generally don't go Christmas shopping on Black Friday, but I like to take advantage of the sales. I would like to get a digital camera. I've been online looking at They have all sorts of product reviews and buying guides. The Canon PowerShot A75 looks like a good one for the money. If I get it at Office Depot, it comes with a free Epson Stylus C86. If I get it at Comp USA it comes with a free 128MB memory thing. They're both the same price, and neither seems to be on sale, it's just which free thing I like better. Now Comp USA also has the Concord 4360z on sale for $99.99. I haven't found any product reviews yet, but the price definitely seems good. It has more megapixels and a comprable optical zoom than the other. It's such a commitment. I like photography, so I don't want some crappy camera. But at the same time, when I use other people's digital cameras, there hasn't been one that's stuck out in my mind as being really cool. So I don't know. Either way, the stores open soon, so I have to make a decision.
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