Cape Baily

Mar 30, 2018 19:13

Come with me this week on a walking adventure. We're going for a walk along the Cape Baily Track...

We'll set out from Cape Solander, which as you can see is still recovering from a bushfire last year.

The blackened scrub makes an unearthly contrast with the bright cliffs and sea.

Along the way, we'll keep our eyes open for seabirds, like this juvenile gannet.

No doubt we'll pass lots of people rock fishing. This is probably Australia's most dangerous sport.

Note how the rock the men at the edge is standing on is actually undercut. There's less than a metre of rock at some points, and these rocks crack often.

Other rock fishers opt to fish on the rock shelf at sea level. Quite a few drown each year. They also never wear life jackets.

Meanwhile, we'll make our way along the cliffs. Our goal is the Cape Baily Lighthouse. It's not that far away in a straight line...

But the coastline does not run straight. There are lots of sheer gaps that must be walked around.

The scenery at the top of the cliffs is amazing.

Can you see the lighthouse in the distance? There are a few more gaps to get past, so we're not as close as we seem.

A crevasse just three metres wide adds a good deal of distance to the route.

Nearly there!

At last, we've made it!

Time for a rest at the top.

And an amazing view of the city.

With the hills stripped by the bushfire, we get to survey a once-in-a-generation view.

Looking further south, we can see all the way down to Cronulla.

After lunch, we'll back home again.

This time we'll take the inland route, which passes by a hidden marsh.

Keep your eyes open for the odd sea eagle...

There isn't a lot of life yet in the burnt scrub, but it is coming back slowly. In a year's time, this will all be green.

Nearly back to out starting point! That carpark is where we normally go whale-watching, but the whales aren't here yet. Just two more months to go. Another adventure, for another day...

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