MarVex, wut?

Mar 09, 2010 13:50

Recently, on AIM, someone asked me why I dislike MarVex. Now, this came out of the blue, and confused me--as I even have a deviation highlighting the main reasons why I dislike it. So I pointed them to this, and, well... Their arguments were thus ( Read more... )

vexen, pairings, marluxia, canon

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If you'll allow me to piggyback on your rant. . . pig_catapult March 9 2010, 22:29:28 UTC
Fandom, I am disappoint. >8|

Now, see, I can understand the argument that Marluxia likes blond(e)s, since my shipping goggles tend to tell me that he's totally banging Larxene and doing terrible, horrible things to Naminé off-camera, and so maybe he might think about doing terrible, horrible things to Vexen. . . but. . .

Fluff and Nobodies don't mix. Even if you believe they retain some vestiges of emotion, they can't have meaningful, non-selfish relationships with other people because they don't have hearts, FFS. If there's tender, loiving moments in your (general you) Nobody ship, you're (still general you) doing it wrong.

I ship AkuRoku, but I'll be the first to admit that, ultimately, their canon dynamic (whether you think they're having sex or not) is a vicious cycle of Roxas hurting Axel without knowing, and then Axel hurting Roxas without caring, over and over again until it all falls apart, because neither of them can see beyond their own wants/needs.

I ship MarLar, but I'd never say that Marluxia and Larxene "love" each other. At best worst, I'd say they're co-conspirators with benefits. At worst best, they're two powerthirsty individuals, each manipulating the other solely for their own gain.

If I shipped MarVex, it'd be mindgames, hatesex and violence, all the way into the horizon. And it would be glorious.

I'd never say that any of these were canon ships, though.

. . . And if I wanted fluff, I wouldn't be looking for Nobody shipfic, FFS. ;_;


matthias_wave March 9 2010, 23:11:00 UTC
I ship MarLar, but I'd never say that Marluxia and Larxene "love" each other... At worst best, they're two powerthirsty individuals, each manipulating the other solely for their own gain.

I would see Larxene/Anybody (or everybody *proceeds to totally ship Larxene/Organization*) ending up like this.

. . . And if I wanted fluff, I wouldn't be looking for Nobody shipfic, FFS. ;_;

I have a nasty tendency to attempt to write 9/12 fluff and then fail because fluff + Nobodies = no, even with a few of my rather odd pet theories developed before Days came out and we got a better idea of Demyx's personality.


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