Mod Post! Please Read!

Mar 08, 2010 03:03

Just a friendly public service announcement from your friends, the KHFFRant Mods! Please read!

This is Comment

This is Post

Comment and Post like to be together. They were practically made for each other.

So please don't do anything that might break them up...

LIKE PRESSING THE DELETE BUTTON. Unless it's a comment that got posted twice on accident, there really shouldn't be any reason to delete any comments around here. This also goes for posts. Unless it's a post that got trolled to hell and back with enough graphics to bog down half of LJ, there's no reason to delete those either. Once a rant goes through the queue and gets posted, it should stay up. If you think the members here won't respond the way you hope to your post, or you think the subject matter will break out in arguments/wank that you can't handle, do yourself a favor, save a headache, and please don't send it in.

Unnecessary deleting of comments and posts will now result in being banned. We're sorry it's come to this (it took us almost four years - that's not bad), but we've been having an issue lately with comments and posts being deleted to the point where it's getting slightly ridiculous. Consider this a warning, guys.

Now if you think that the response to your post or comments are turning personal and extremely vicious (i.e.- threats, derogatory name calling, etc.), then by all means please do contact us immediately, but DO NOT delete the problem and THEN alert us. If in the event we do have to look at a situation that's happened and take some sort of action, we want this to be as fair as possible to both you and the other person/people involved. And while we trust you guys with all our hearts (...>_>), we can't just go by your word without some proof of these accusations.

Also, just to clarify, someone disagreeing with you =/= personal attack. If you say Roxas has orange hair and another person responds with "Gosh golly dammit, I don't agree with that one bit! No siree!" and tells you why, don't come running to one of the mods saying "SO AND SO IS BEING MEAN TO ME AND DOESN'T LIKE ME OR MY POST, BAWWWWW". The most we're gonna be able to tell you is "I'm sorry you feel that way. Would you like a happy Roxas picture to cheer you up?" because that's about all we can do for you.

So, to conclude...

Yes, I went there.

mod post

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