Axel: This guy's okay. He looks like a GIRL, but he's fine otherwise.

Jun 19, 2009 14:20

What in God's name is this?

Script format is never ever your friend. Saying "This is set in the Organization, not my head like the others. So... yeah I'm not prego in this one either" at the start of anything is not a good idea.

"Me: O_O G-Gomennasai, Kaname-sama! I didn't mean anything by it! It just sorta came out! *bows*
Kaname: ...Ii desu yo, Sera-chan"

And just, y'know, general protip: randomly writing in Howl with no explanation and naming him "Xlowh" ("pronounced like slow, except with a "z" sound at the beginning") is just plain absurd.

The massive section in which all the Org members give their opinion on Xlowh makes me want to stab out my own eyes. Larxene's contribution is "His voice alone is making me hot" while Marluxia opts for "he looks more like a girl than I do" (to be honest, that whole section is a bastion of OOCness for the Organization, it's worth a read for the stereotypes alone!).

Also the chick writing the journal is Xemnas' daughter and there are 20 people in the Organization now.

This is like everything that's wrong with the fandom (well, apart from ship wars I suppose) in one place. Hurray!

I love life.

ooc, whatthefuckery, organization

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