
Feb 22, 2009 13:43

Hey, fan brats. About Larxene. She's a Sadist, oh, you don't know what that is? Here, I'll even look it up for you.
Sadist: someone who obtains pleasure from inflicting pain or others.

So can we for the love for all that is unholy stop making her fall to bits if she has a partner, falls in love, how ever you want ot put it? ( I always found the term "fall in love" a bit odd for canon universe fics as Nobodies don't have hearts, but that's another rant) She's more likely to make them, ya know, fall to bits, and not in good fluffy way you're thinking of.  If you're going to be in any kind of relationship/partnership/what ever.  Pain makes her smile, and giggle.

On the same note, despite the hair color and flowers, Marluxia is in fact as cruel as Larxene and Power hungry, very, very power hungry. I'm convinced many of you fanbrats children have only met Marluxia and Larxene's characters via fan fiction and the manga. Marluxia is different in the game than in the manga. He's much more focused, he plans on offing off Larxene when she's not longer usefull .  He's locked up Namine and is using her against Sora, he isn't above low blows.  Marluxia looks out for himself, and his power.

TL;DR is Larxene is a bitch and Marluxia wants power at any cost, so can we stop truning them in to fluffy bunnies?

larxene, ooc, marluxia

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