Not so much a rant, but...

Dec 25, 2008 00:51

A question:

Do you think that people wouldn't be so quick to judge Xion and call her a "Sue" if she was a boy? (Of course in that case it'd be "Stu", but whatever)

character-bashing, mary sue

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warwolves December 25 2008, 06:10:32 UTC
Haha, I think I was just reading the post that inspired this.

I would, honestly. I'm not a big fan about how keyblades seem to be getting thrown around like confetti lately, for one, and for two ... I don't know! It just smacks of the whole "My character is the fourteenth member of the Organization and REALLY AWESOME, GUYS, LOOK HOW AWESOME SHE/HE IS," except now in canon.


stigmatize December 25 2008, 06:14:24 UTC


(The comment has been removed)

harpie_siren December 25 2008, 07:43:03 UTC
*Twilight zone music*


warwolves December 25 2008, 08:18:06 UTC
Doesn't she ;;? "My name is Ion and my Nobody is Xion and she has pretty blue hair and looks like Kairi except prettier!!!"


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