Off Topic, but... (SPOILERS, Y'ALL)

Oct 13, 2008 12:11


Spoiler Alert, spoiler alert!

Dang, this chick really looks like Kairi. There's no denying the fact that there is definitely a connection between them... hopefully no "Xion is Kairi's mom" theories. They're sisters most likely! XP

Xion is probably the 'secret weapon' of Organization XIII, Xemnas' ace in the hole, so to speak. She has the power to copy weapons or/and abilities, explaining why she has a Keyblade  Sorry 'bout that! Crazy fan speculations are attacking my brain and stuff.

Quick rant: To 98% of KHInsiders forums posters -- Kairi is not a evil weak bitch who hates Riku, so stop acting like she is. Kthx!

P.S. If you take away the 'X' in Xion and rearrange the remaining letters, they make the Japanese word 'oni' which roughly means 'demon'. Maybe Mr. Nomura will incorparate this in 358/2 Days? Maybe not, and now I look like retarded weeaboo KAWAII!!!11.

new game rumors, kairi, organization

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