Things that make one go 'buh?'

May 11, 2008 15:03

No, the Neophytes of Organization XIII don't have canonical X-less names yet.

We know the Elders (Braig Dilan Even Aeleus Ienzo), but the n00bs haven't had their pre-anagrammed names released by any PTB yet.

Therefre, oh shrilly-howling prodigiously egotistical fanpoodle, your so-called 'official' and 'canonical' names for the n00bs are none of the above. I don't know what source you glommed onto with the force of a billion limpets, but it's not an official one. And it will not magically turn into one, no matter how many times you scream at me and tell me it is too official omgzzz!11!!oneoneonesix!

For those of us who require PROOF PLZ, I'm happy to pimp it out. See, I'm one of those artbook junkies, which means I have the Ultimania guide for Re:CoM and KH2:FM. I was SO hoping that they'd tell us what the n00bs' names were! But alas, it was not to be! In place of their pre-X names, the n00bs of the orgy just have a ??? - meaning they don't have canonical names right now. Maybe they will eventually, but they don't yet.

So, poodlebuns, please stop squalling that I'm raping canon by refusing to call Luxord's other 'Drulo'. Get out of my crack!

Thx u.

names, organization

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