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Feb 11, 2008 01:52

So, you want to write a fanfiction where the characters have a master/slave dynamics, heh? Well then, if you are trying for it to be anywhere what real people in this kind of relationship do, here's somethings you may be interested in:

In real life, Master/Slave relationships stand on a very inportant issue: trust. If you write a relationship where everything is going swell, and yet, they somehow don't trust eachother, then you're doing it wrong. People don't get into this kind of relationship to learn how to trust their partners, they get into this kind of relationship because they trust their partners.

Unlike an amazingly popular belief, if most fanfictions are to be believed, abuse and non-consesual sex are NOT tolerated within the M/S community. Everything that happens in such a relationship has been previously discussed and agreed on (in fact, some couples even go as far as to make a contract). It is not unusual for M/S couples to help people in abusive situations within their communities to get away from such situations. If you want a more clear comparation, here's a better break down:

BDSM activities are ALWAYS Safe, Sane, and Consensual. Abuse is NEVER safe, NEVER sane, and NEVER consensual.

BDSM follows established rules. Abuse has no rules.

BDSM is negotiated for the safety of both partners. Abuse is NEVER negotiated.

BDSM activities are used for mutual pleasure. Abuse is used to terrorize, frighten and control.

In BDSM, safewords can be used to stop any activity. If someone is being abused they cannot stop what is happening to them.

BDSM activities are about pleasure and being connected. Abuse is about power and control.

Now, as for punishments. Believe it or not, beating the shit out of the slave is NOT as popular as one may think. In fact, sometimes the punishment can be a quite mundane activity. What makes it a punishment then? 1- The fact that the master is disapointed with the slave. 2- They have no choice wether or not they do it, and when.

Another thing to consider is, not every master wants a doormat. In fact, quite a few masters welcome initiative, strong will and individuality within their slaves. Remember, we are talking about submission to someone you love and trust, not to every bozo that walks in. I've personally met quite a few slaves that would not hesitate to beat you up if you angered them enough.

Now, minors within the lifestyle... No can do. Sorry, if you're a minor, unless you do it through online roleplaying or a long distance relationship, you'll be hard press to find a sector of the community that will welcome you. Why? Because in a few places those are flat-out illegal, or just frowned upon, with the charges of corruption of a minor and statuatory rape being used. So, the community advises you to wait until you're either 18, or above the age of consent for male-male sex, whichever's higher in your area. Another reason, is the protection of young people. Let's face, there's a lot of creeps out there that would love to take advantage of a young naive person. Exploitation under the guise of M/s gives the subculture a bad name and it gets young people hurt.

Now, the kinds of slaves:

Service slaves: these serve their masters in whatever they need, be it a household chore, or a project for work, anything to satisfy the master's whims. The people within this kind of relationships are often married or in the relation for a long term.

Sex Slaves: Their primary function as slaves is for the master to get sexual pleasure out of.

Cash slaves: Kinda rare, but these are usually people whose function is to provide the dominant with cash. If I remember correctly, one of the *chans managed to get a particularly bad example of this kind of master in legal trouble with the IRS. I think ED has an article on it.

Slaves to Daddy doms: These are threated as children or petulant teenagers. Slightly spoiled, slightly indulged, but still under the care and guidance of a "Daddy" who makes the rules and sets the curfews. (There is probably a Mommy equivalent too)

Pet slaves! Also refered to as human animals, these slaves perform, or live in the role of a specific animal. Cats, dogs and ponnies are particularly popular.

So, if you ever wish to write a fanfiction wher the characters are eachother's master and slave, take these in consideration. Your fanfiction will become that much better and realistic.

common sense, references

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