More question than rant

Sep 30, 2007 18:35

The rant's subtle...? >.>;

I go to I put "Donald Duck" and "Goofy" as the character filters. I get 18 results. ...Whut?

This was for the purposes of researching for the fic-that-I-keep-saying-I'm-writing-but-that's-taking-me-forever. There's going to be a lot of Donald and Goofy in it because, uh... they exist. And since the fic is set mid-KH2 and they go to another world, it's kind of trinity-centric.

*deep breath* Sooooo... what are people's opinions on writing Donald's and Goofy's speech? Because I know that it's been ranted about in the past about not spelling out Donald's voice phonetically, which I definitely agree is a bad idea. But what about things like Goofy's "a'hyuck" and "gawrsh"? Should those be included in written dialogue? Donald, I've been writing by saying things like, "he squawked" instead of "he yelled" for when he's frazzled or angry.

The lack of fics centering on the two of them make it hard to find a good balance for writing their voices. I feel like when I write "a'hyuck" at the end of a sentence, it comes out too contrived as compared to when you hear it aloud. So I come to you guys, since the khffr lot seems to have a lot of good opinions on what makes a good fic, and we all seem to want to see more Disney characters in KH fics, so any advice would be appreciated.

forgotten characters, disney

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