I dont' want to be the H_F bitchmod, but...

Sep 26, 2007 17:00

I know I'm the mod, and that's why I'm trying to be nice. We're an equal opportunity sporking comm over at H_F, oh yes.

But... seriously. Having the same two people upload about 10 new postings in less than 24 hours is really annoying, especially when the fics in question aren't that bad/sporkable.

I don't want H_F to gain a reputation of being full of elitist bitches, but I'm getting kind of sick of seeing a new moderation request pop up in my inbox every hour.

What do you guys think I should do - should I tell them to lay off, it's NOT that bad, and that I think they're being pretty immature? I'm not 100% sure how to scold them gently, to be honest.

On a more ranty note, snapping at the mod when she's correcting your breaking-of-the-rules is a BAD idea. Glad you apologized, but really. Read the goddamn rules and know who the mods are.


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