On Character development, plot-holes and crossovers.

Jul 21, 2006 14:34

Hello there!

I've just finished KH2. I loved the game (kicking and slicing buildings FTW!), but its plot left me wondering about some aspects which are rarely touched in most fanfics (or at least the ones in FF.net, though I admit I haven't surfed the KH section too much).

I've read both in this community and in 
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forgotten characters, disney

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kangaroop July 25 2006, 21:26:24 UTC
Actually, I've seen a couple of fics that slashed them with Sora and Riku. Can't tell you more about them because I didn't read them (I'm not into slash, and even less into cross-species couplings). I'm more a gen type of girl :D.

Yeah, sometimes the Disney side of the story felt a little out of place, but I guess that was more a problem with the plot (many people complain that the Disney worlds are filler, even if they are what... 60% of the game at least?) than the nature of those characters. While I was playing, I always thought that they could had "blended" better the Disney elements with the original characters, I don't know... making them interact a little more.

That's my pet peeve with the final world in KH2, after Riku and Kairi join the team it was as if Mickey, Goofy and Donald stopped existing. Their lines didn't add anything to the plot :(.

And I wished that the whole "OMG! Goofy is dead!" subplot had lasted a little longer. I know the game is rated E, but I was seriously excited at watching the Disney characters go a liiiitle dark.

Oh, I hope to finish that story before August 1st *is a dork*. The Dark Ocean episode is my favorite as well, and it's a pity it ended being such a big plot-hole in 02. Come on! They could had finished that subplot instead of those horrible filler World Tour episodes. ^^u


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